Parish Groups

Family Mass Group

This group facilitates the coming together of families with young children to participate at the Sunday mass in St. Laurence O’Toole church each Sunday.

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Eucharistic Ministers

Assist the Priests of the Parish in the distribution of Holy Communion at all Masses and in the visitation of the sick, elderly and housebound.

Readers of the Word

Parishioners are encouraged to participate in the liturgy by becoming minister of the word and new readers are always welcome.

Church Cleaning

Volunteers meet each week for church cleaning.

Church Collectors

Volunteer collectors assist at Sunday masses and holy days with the distribution of baskets and collection of money.

Finance Committee

Meets once a month to discuss parish finances – monitors income and budget for plant maintenance and enhancement..

Liturgy Committee

The group works closely with the priests of the parish to pan the major liturgical ceremonies for the year.

Parish Newsletter

Established as an aid to communication and to inform parishioners of forthcoming events in the parish community.


Stewards are organised as the need arises, especially for special events which take place in the Church.

St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP)

Caring for people in need in our Parish and surrounding area.