Family Mass Group
This group facilitates the coming together of families with young children to participate at the Sunday mass in St. Laurence O’Toole church every second Sunday. Our aim is to create a child friendly atmosphere where children of all ages are welcome.
Children from Second Class and upwards are invited to join the Choir which provides the music for the mass.Children from the choir and encouraged to take an active part in the liturgy of the mass by becoming Readers and Altar Servers.
Occasionally, Gospel enactments, dramatized by the children are a feature of the Mass especially at Easter and Christmas. Practice for this takes place in the church every Friday after school. On one Sunday of each month children from the local school and their parents are invited to participate in the liturgy of the Family Mass as part of their preparation for First Holy Communion.
The Family Mass has been in existence since 2002 until COVID restrictions came in force in 2020. Hopefully in the not too distant future we can resume activities again.
Our Family Mass Group is seeking new Volunteers to help and if you would like more information Please call Barbara @ 085 169 4220 or Orlaith @ 087 638 3878.