Finance Committee
The Finance Committee looks after the fabric of the two churches and the surrounding grounds while managing the funds that are contributed by the parishioners for that purpose.
Parish income comes from the following sources:
The Family Offering, either by Bank Standing Order (the preferred method), direct contribution or monthly envelope. This usually amounts to about €48,000.00 each year.
Lotto game held weekly and the weekly winner is announced each week. This has been suspended since March 2020. However, before the pandemic suspension this contributed about €8,000.00 per annum to the parish finances.
Tax refund on parish personal contributions. This is claimed by the parish on contributions that equal or exceed €250 annually including Easter and Christmas Dues. This contributes about €5,000.00 per annum to the parish finances.
Donations, bequests and the church shrines. This contributes about €5,000.00 per annum to the parish finances.
Sunday Mass collections, the first of which is for the wages of the priests of the Diocese and the second for the Diocesan Share Fund are lodged to the diocese own bank account each week, directly. Both of these collections were suspended during the pandemic (i.e. from March 2020 and only being restored in October 2021). Dublin Diocese has been severely impacted by the pandemic close-down. Staff working for the diocese were made redundant during 2020 because of the pandemic.
Running costs of the parish are currently about €66,000 per annum. This covers such items as:
repairs and renewals,
wages, PRSI etc.
heating, lighting, altar supplies and insurance,
office supplies, postage and telephone,
upkeep of the grounds and water rates
Contributions from parishioners make up just over 73% of the parish income. The remainder of the income comes from the Lotto, tax refund on contributions, donations, bequests and the church shrines.
Download and print a Standing Order form using the link below