Support Services
Accord Dublin
Catholic Marriage Care Service - Tel: (01) 4784400. www.accorddublin.ie
Beginning Experience (B.E.)
An organisation rooted in the Catholic tradition with specially designed programmes to help separated and bereaved persons Tel: (01) 6790556
Family Law information, counselling and mediation service - Tel: (01) 6708363
Carers Association
Providing support for carers in the community
Contact Peter Leonard
Tel: (01) 8119555
Aoibhneas Women’s Refuge
Tel: (01) 8670701
Catholic Unattached Directory
Run by practising Catholics
Are you seeking new friends?
Tel: (01) 2837888
Helping to defeat depression. 24 hour helpline, Tel: 1890 30 33 02
Catholic Youth Care
CYC supports and services youth work and youth ministry in the Dublin Diocese. Programmes include drug prevention and outward bound courses etc.
Tel: (01) 8725055
Association of one-parent families
Tel: 1890 66 22 12
Pregnancy Counselling Service
Tel: (01) 6710598
Tel: 1800 666 666
Diocesan Communications Office
Tel: (01) 8360723
Seeks to address and redress poverty, marginalisation and social exclusion.
Tel: (01) 8360011
Hope after suicide. Free voluntary listening service for people who have been bereaved by suicide in Baldoyle/Swords.
Tel: 086 1714839
Provides a wide range of services for single mothers and their children including foster care and adoption.
Tel: (01) 6779664
Drug Awareness Programme
Tel: (01) 8360911
Drugs Helpline
Freephone 7 days a week
Tel: 1800 45 94 59
Gamblers Anonymous
Aims to help families of compulsive gamblers
Tel: (01) 8721133
Focus Point
24 hour help with emergency accommodation, social welfare, etc.
Tel: 01 6712555
Community Mental Health Movement
Tel: (01) 8734029
Those interested in becoming a foster carer for children 7-13, contact Mary or Sheila at Daughters of Charity Fostering Initiative
Tel: (01) 8625195
Irish Sudden Infant Death Association
Tel: (01) 8732711 or 1850 39 12 91
Free Legal Advice Centre
Tel: (01) 8745690
Free legal advice at Citizens Information Centre, GAA Club, Malahide, last Saturday of each month 10.00 a.m. – 12 noon
Tel: (01) 8450627
Immigrant Advice
Tel: (01) 8727003
LitMus (Liturgy and Music resources)
Tel: (01) 8571648
Pioneer Total Abstinence Association
Tel: (01) 8749464
Lourdes Pilgrimage
Tel: (01) 8376820
Rape Crisis Centre
Tel: 01 6614911 or Freephone 1800 77 88
(formerly Parents Under Stress)
Tel: 1890 92 72 77
A 24 hour confidential service to befriend the anxious, depressed, or suicidal
Tel: (01) 8727700 or 1850 60 90 90
Parish Development and Renewal Agency
Tel: (01) 8360410
Thirty Something’s
In your 30s? The Thirty Something’s come from Parishes around Dublin.
For details of programmes of retreats, meals, walks etc.
Tel: 087 7608268
Information provided by the Diocesan Vocations Centre
Tel: (01) 8574198
Women’s Aid
Refuge for women and children who have to leave home because of violence by their partner.
Freephone helpline: 1800 34 19 00
Young Christian Workers
international youth movement
Youth 2000
international initiative of young people