Funeral Arrangements
When a member of a family dies, it can be an anxious time for those who are bereaved, apart from the sadness of the passing of a loved one.
However, when notified of a death, the Priests of the Parish, together with the assistance of a member of the Funeral Ministry Team will arrange to meet the family to prepare the Liturgy. We have a folder with relevant information to guide the family through the Funeral Rites. It is important to confirm the availability of the priest to conduct the Funeral Mass before proceeding with arrangements. The Funeral Mass booklet which contains the readings, psalms and sample prayers of the faithful can be accessed here.
The undertakers will liaise with the parish with regard to arrrangements and Increasingly, most funerals now take place on the morning of the Funeral Mass.
Should a family have a relative or friend who wishes to celebrate or concelebrate the Funeral Mass, they would be most welcome. We ask that we be informed as early as possible if this is the case.
The Undertakers usually handle the details of the notification in the newspapers and on the RIP.ie website. They will also contact the Cemetery or Crematorium to arrange for burial or cremation. They also handle the fees unless instructed otherwise.
In relation to music for the liturgy, we have our own Resident Organist and Singer Shereen, who will advise regarding all music requirements. Piano and Wind instruments are also available.
Shereens contact details are: 087 141 5131 or email music@takenote.ie
Also, It would be helpful to liaise with the Priest Celebrant when making choices of music for the Mass.
Please note that we have a webcam in each of the two churches with live streaming. This we have found to have been most helpful for people, who for various reasons are unable to attend the funeral. The webcams can be located on the homepage of our Website, or you can access them here: