Two Churches. One Community.
We welcome you to our parish website. We invite you to check out the various elements of the website and if you have anything to add, please let us know. All feedback is welcome!
Fr. Peter O’Connor (Parish Priest)
Mass Times at St. Peter and Paul St. Laurence O'Toole
SS' Peter & Paul Church
Tuesday 10.00am.
Thursday 10:00am.
Sunday 10:00 am (Irish Mass)
Additional services in St. Laurence O’Toole
St. Laurence O'Toole Church
Monday 10.00am.
Wednesday 10:00am.
Saturday 7.00pm Evening Vigil Mass
Sunday 11:30am.
Parishioner Tom Enright celebrated his 90th Birthday recently. We marked the occasion in the Parish Hall after Mass in the church of Ss. Peter & Paul
Tom and daughters Victoria and Elizabeth with Fr. Peter
Joe Miller has retired as Sacristan in the Church of St. Laurence O’Toole. We marked the occasion and said thank you to Joe with tea and cake after Mass.
Joe cutting the cake.
Joe handing over the church keys to Fr. Peter
Baldoyle Parish Lotto, Sunday 2nd March winning numbers 8, 16 and 19. No winner, Sunday 9th March Jackpot €800
Parish Coffee Mornings in the Parish hall after the 10.00 am mass every Tuesday.
Family Mass will be on Sunday 9th March
Parish Accounts for the years 2024 and 2023 are contained in newsletter dated 9th February 2025
Raffle In aid of Church Roof Fund
Unwanted Gifts
As part of the fund raising for the repair of the roof of St Laurence O’Toole’s, the Family Mass Committee will hold a raffle in March (date to be confirmed) to raise funds for the repair of the roof.
If you have any unwanted gifts, would you consider donating them to the raffle please? These, with other prize donations, can be dropped into either Churches after Masses or to the Parish Office on Main Street.
Baldoyle Family Resource Services
Co-Anon drug addiction meeting 27 th February 7.30-8.30 pm
Parenting Programme Emotion Focus Skills 5 weeks programme starting 12 th March 7-9pm € 20 registration once off fee
Parent & Toddler Group Mondays 11.30-12.45
General Counselling, Play Therapy, Adolescence, Gambling Addiction, Systemic Family Therapy
DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK – APRIL 26 This year the theme of the pilgrimage will focus on the Jubilee year, and we are inviting partnerships of parishes to join us from throughout the Archdiocese. The pilgrimage takes place on Saturday, April 26, and will include workshops, outdoor walks, the Sacrament of the Sick and our pilgrimage Mass, which will be celebrated by Archbishop Farrell. The Choir of Many Voices from throughout the Archdiocese will be back for a third year under the direction of Ciaran Coll. If you would like to join the choir or have any queries about the pilgrimage, please email
Dublin Diocesan 2025 Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Lourdes 4th to 9th September 2025, led by Archbishop Farrell. The Pilgrimage is a fully escorted tour including: direct return flight from Dublin to Lourdes, airport transfers, five nights’ accommodation, meals, and full services of Joe Walsh Tours guides Further information or phone 01 2410800.
RADIO MARIA IRELAND Irish-run Catholic Talk-Radio Station commercial-free broadcasting - Prayer, Catechesis, Uplifting music, Talks, Interviews and Testimonies. Here’s how you can listen: 1. Via Digital TV -Saorview Channel 210 2. Download our FREE App “RADIO MARIA IRELAND” 3. Streaming on our WEBSITE - 4.Via our ‘Listen Live Radio’ link on Facebook Page. 5. Via PHONE– get live radio feed by calling 01 437 3277 (no extra charges apply).
Jubilee Year 2025 Pope Francis has launched the Vatican's 2025 Jubilee Year, encouraging Christians to use the milestone occasion to dream of a "new world where peace and justice reign." "The Jubilee calls us to spiritual renewal and commits us to the transformation of our world, so that this year may truly become a time of jubilation," said Francis. This is a moment, said the pontiff, "to recover lost hope, to renew that hope in our hearts, and to sow seeds of hope amid the bleakness of our time and our world."
Jubilees trace their origins to the Old Testament tradition of a special year dedicated to forgiveness and renewal. We are called to:
● undertake a pious pilgrimage, to Lough Derg, Our Lady’s Shrine Knock or Croagh Patrick.
● participate in works of charity, mercy or penance, such as visiting prisoners, sick or elderly people or undertaking corporal works of mercy "to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, welcome the stranger, and heal the sick.."
● abstain, in a spirit of penance, for at least one day of the week from "futile distractions," such as social media, or fasting; or donating the proportionate sum to the poor or to help migrants.
National Synod 2025/2026 The Universal Synod on Synodality concluded in October in Rome. The Final Document set out a roadmap for renewal, for a synodal Church that listens, learns and acts in communion.
Meanwhile, we continue on the Irish Synodal Pathway. Diocesan Synodal Teams are being prepared to host local conversations on the original themes from the Irish National Synthesis, now informed by the final document from the Universal Synod.
The purpose of these gatherings is to identify key priorities to bring to the pre-synodal assembly in October 2025. From this assembly in 2025, we are committed to walking together as the Pobal Dé, the people of God, with some of these priorities towards the first national assembly for the Catholic Church in Ireland, scheduled for the following year in October 2026.
Dates for your Diary 2025
Ash Wednesday 5th march
First Sunday of Lent 9th March
St. Patrick’s Day 17th March
Good Friday 18th April
Easter Sunday 20th April
The Ascension of the Lord Sunday 1st June
Medugorje Pilgrimage 4th to 11th June 2025 with Marian Pilgrimages , 7 nights , Direct flight from Dublin to Mostar, then only 30 minutes coach drive to Medugorje , staying close to Church in Ines house . For more information on joining our group contact Derek + Anne Farrell on 0862573824 and 0879224077 . Spiritual Director Fr. Anthony Hou . Price 875 per person sharing with Early booking discount of 50 euro per person sharing if deposit paid by 31st January latest making price 825 per person euro sharing
Volunteering Opportunity 2025 SeniorLine, Ireland’s telephone service supporting older people, is inviting contact from over-55s who would like to be involved. You would take calls from older people. Full training is provided in central Dublin and you work from home with staff support. Training days are January 21 & 23, 10am-3pm. For more information,contact Anne at 087-7450721
Study Theology Online, is this for you? The Priory Institute provides online Theology courses to degree level. Attend Saturday lectures in Tallaght or from the comfort of your own home. Register before February 11. Find out more on our website,
Men’s Group in Baldoyle
We are a Men's Group, that meets every Tuesday evening 7 to 9pm in The Baldoyle Family Resource Centre. We would welcome new members. Please contact Noel Kelly @ 0831269305.
Church of St. Laurence O’Toole Roof Repair Appeal
We would like to thank everyone for their continuous support for our Roof Repair Appeal. The Finance Committee will be discussing the initiatives that were proposed at the meeting on the 11 th November and will be making a decision, this week, on what projects to commence now to maximise the raising of funds without constantly calling on parishioners.
We would encourage people to consider increasing the number of times they buy the lotto even when the prize is low. Funds raised in this way go straight to the Building Fund.
One initiative we will consider is the holding of a raffle. So, if you received any unwanted gifts over the Christmas period would you consider donating them to the raffle? These can be dropped into either Churches after Masses or to the Parish Office on Main Street.
Building work is due to commence in early March after the boys and girls from St Laurence’s Senior School receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, on the 7th March. Thank you for all your support and prayers. Keep up the good work. Peter O’Connor Co-PP. David Dennehy Finance Committee
Baldoyle Library Closure The Library will be closed from Monday next, 23rd Sept. until approx. April 2025 for renovations.
Friday Night whist - Baldoyle Whist Club. Every Friday night at 8.00 pm in the Parish Hall, beside the Parish Office. New members and visitors are very welcome
The Lounge Lizards will be in St. Peter & Paul’s Parish Hall, in Baldoyle village, each Saturday in at 3pm So please come along and join in or just come and enjoy the music.
Aware, the National Mental Health Charity, is recruiting volunteers.
Would you like to support those impacted by anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder and related mood conditions? Aware provides free support, education and information services to those impacted by mental health and mood conditions. We are now recruiting and training volunteers for our National Support Line, Support & Self Care Groups and our Life Skills Online services. Volunteering can be remote or in person. Please visit email or call 01-661 7211 to learn more about becoming an Aware volunteer!
Would you like a home visitation volunteer to visit you in your home? Friends of the Elderly a charity with over 40 years’ experience providing friendships to older people, has volunteers in your area. If you would be interested in our services please contact our Activities Coordinator Sive at or call 01 8731855.
Oral Recordings of times past
To compile a list of what has been documented over the years, Fingal Heritage Office wants to hear from anyone with oral recordings (tape or digital) about any aspect of Fingal's past. To be included in this important project, or if you know of recordings elsewhere, please contact Mac Conmara Heritage Consulting, at or 086 778 4669.
Baldoyle Family Resource Services
Health & Social Activities
Men’s Walk & Talk group every Thursday 6-7pm; Music Appreciation Group Wednesday 2:30-4pm running for 10 weeks.
Low-cost Counselling Support Service
Adult, Adolescent & child counselling service; Family Systems counselling for families, couples, and individuals; Gambling support service: counselling for problem gamblers and family members; Drug & alcohol support service: counselling for individuals and affected family members;
Group meeting & clubs.
Recovery drop (sober space) last Thursday of every month 7-9; Women’s Craft Group Mondays 7-9pm
Senior Services
Senior Alerts; Meals on Wheels.
Telephone 01 8326115 for further information.
Irish Synodal Pathway The Irish Synodal Pathway continues to evolve and has made significant progress in advancing its ambition to hold its first synodal assembly in the Autumn of 2025. Regional meetings held in January assisted dioceses and groups in the formation of Diocesan Synodal Teams for the pathway and provided resources for the ongoing work at local level, including a video resource outlining the journey so far ( Further regional meetings, scheduled for late April with the Diocesan Synodal Teams, will also initiate discussions on the theme/question for the first assembly of the Irish Synodal Pathway.
BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT The Irish Hospice Foundation provides a free Bereavement Support Line. This National Freephone Service is available from 10am to 1pm, Monday to Friday, call 1800 807077 or visit website for information
SENIORLINE Would you like someone to talk to? SeniorLine is Ireland’s national telephone service for older people open every day of the year 10am-10pm, Freephone 1800 80 45 91. Callers may feel isolated, alone, wish to discuss a problem in confidence, or for company during their day. SeniorLine’s volunteers are trained to listen, to support, to discuss options and to refer callers to other helpful services if necessary. So don’t be alone if sharing a problem would help.
The current safeguarding regulations and information is on display in the porch on our new poster. You can visit The Archdiocese of Dublin child safeguarding and protection service by visiting the following link; ites/3/2023/10/Dublin-Diocesan-Child-Safeguarding -Policy-2023.pdf or use the QR Code on the poster to see the updated information.
Our safeguarding policy document is always available in the sacristy or through contacting our Parish Office. Our parish safeguarding representatives are available to answer questions if you leave your name and number in our Parish Office.
Support for Carers
Are you caring for a loved one at home with additional needs? A spouse, partner, child, close relative or neighbour? Then you are a family carer! Become a member of Family Carers Ireland, the national charity supporting Ireland’s 500,000+ family carers nationwide. Contact 057 93 70221 and hear how we can support you or for more info visit
HUGG Healing Untold Grief Groups HUGG Young Adults (18-25 years old) Suicide bereavement support group led by trained young adults with lived experience of suicide loss HUGG provides a free, non-judgemental and safe space where people bereaved by suicide can share their experiences and feelings, and receive and offer support to each other. HUGG Young Adults support group meets once a month over zoom on a Tuesday evening, 8pm to 9.30pm. To join, complete an online form at or call 01 513 4048.
BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT The Irish Hospice Foundation provides a free Bereavement Support Line. This National Freephone Service is available from 10am to 1pm, Monday to Friday, by calling 1800 807077. Visit for more information.
The ACCOMPLISH Project is a collaboration between Dublin City University and Trinity College Dublin. It aims to engage with the public to facilitate increased reporting of coastal landslides so that our coastlines may be better managed.They are currently in the process of recruiting volunteers from Dublin, Wicklow and Wexford to participate in the project. They are specifically looking for anyone who regularly walks, runs, cycles, canoes, swims, sails, or visits the coasts of Dublin, Wexford or Wicklow. They would also like to hear from you if there are other areas worth investigating!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Niamh Cullen, who is leading the project in DCU by emailing or can also visit their website to find out more about the project.
TOWARDS PEACE Towards Peace is a service offering spiritual support for anybody who has been abused, physically, emotionally, sexually, spiritually, in a religious/church environment. Towards Peace was established in October 2014 by the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference and the Association of Missionary & Religious Leaders of Ireland. (AMRI). The Towards Peace office hours are Monday and Tuesday 9am - 4pm and Wednesday 9am - 12 noon. For further information phone 01 5053028 or 086 7710533 or visit or
B.E. Beginning Experience: B.E is a support group for those coping with the pain of loss of their life partner, through Death, Separation or Divorce. Do you find that you need more support than family and friends can provide? Seeking help is a sign of strength and self-knowledge not weakness. This is a healing ministry, which helps to resolve the grief that goes with the end of a marriage or relationship. A team, who are themselves widowed, separated or divorced share their experiences with you. For further information please phone Dublin Team 086 0877379 or email
Baldoyle Active Retirement. Seeking new members, male and female. If interested please contact Alice Roche on 087 912 0120 or Robert Farrell 087 615 1007
Mercy Centre,St Brendan’s Drive, Coolock, Dublin 5. Mercy Centre is run by the Sisters of Mercy and a core Group. Our aim is the “full flowering of the person” (de Mello) as Jesus came that we may have life and have it to the full. We Do this by offering programmes that encourage the personal and spiritual development of everyone. Details can be obtained at 01 8487259 or email:
ALONE supports older people to age at home, combating loneliness and isolation. Would you like to volunteer from the comfort of your own home? We are seeking volunteers to make Support and Befriending calls to older people. Please visit our website at or call our National Support and Referral line on 0818 222 024 to fine out more about volunteering with ALONE.
Anam Cara North Dublin, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding a Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Wednesday 19th February at 7:15pm in the Hilton Hotel, Malahide Rd, Northern Cross, Dublin, D17 Y924. This event is free and open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not. Please contact us on or 085 2888 888 for any queries.
Download our latest newsletters
Synod 2021-2024 For a Synodal Church: communion, participation and mission
In October 2021 the Catholic Church's synodal process on the theme of synodality began. This was the first time that a worldwide listening process and consultation with parishes and dioceses was attempted and many people in Ireland took part in a listening process during the early months of 2022. Did you take part? Have you been wondering what happened after that?
Much has happened since then. Your participation formed part of a national document that was sent to the Synod office in Rome in August 2022. It also formed part of a global document called Enlarge the Space of Your Tent, which was published last October and then formed part of a presentation given by the Irish delegation that travelled to Prague this February for the first ever Continental Assembly of the Catholic Church's synodal process. Please visit to find out more.
Universal Synod in Rome 4-29 October 2023 Gathering of the People of God In St. Peter’s Square, Rome yesterday, Saturday 30th, brothers and sisters in Christ gathered to pray for the success of the Synod. Leaders included Pope Francis, Patriarch Bartholomew of the Greek Orthodox Church, Archbishop Justin Welby of the Anglican Communion. A similar gathering was held at Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin. In a special way we want to entrust to the Holy Spirit the Assembly members who will be gathered in prayer for three days in preparation for the official opening of the 26th Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in Rome on 4th October. In support, please pray the Synod Prayer.
We stand before You, Holy Spirit, as we gather together in Your name. With You alone to guide us, make Yourself at home in our hearts; Teach us the way we must go and how we are to pursue it. We are weak and sinful; do not let us promote disorder. Do not let ignorance lead us down the wrong path nor partiality influence our actions. Let us find in You our unity so that we may journey together to eternal life and not stray from the way of truth and what is right. All this we ask of You, who are at work in every place and time, in the communion of the Father and the Son, forever and ever. Amen.

Our Mission Statement
We, the parishioners of Baldoyle commit ourselves to the mission of bringing parishioners closer to God and to each other. We strive to build a living Christian community characterised by faith, mission, worship, hospitality and service.
Parish Office
The Parish Office is now open to the public between 9.30am -, Monday to Friday. Our office provides services including bookings for:
Family Mass Group
This group facilitates the coming together of families with young children to participate at the Sunday mass in St. Laurence O’Toole church each Sunday. Our aim is to create a child friendly atmosphere where children of all ages are welcome.
History of Baldoyle
Recent excavations in the Grange area have provided evidence that this area was inhabited during the Bronze Age, approx. 1500 – 500 B.C. However little is known of these early settlers and our first credible proof of habitation comes with the arrival of the Vikings in 898 A.D.